From the course: Learning COBIT
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Addressing the ingredients of a governance system
From the course: Learning COBIT
Addressing the ingredients of a governance system
- [Presenter] To satisfy governance and management objectives, each enterprise needs to establish, tailor, and sustain a governance system built from a number of components. Components are factors that individually and collectively contribute to the good operations of the enterprise's governance system over information and technology. I like to think of these components as ingredients to any IT governance system. There are seven components of a governance system identified in the COBIT framework. These include processes, organizational structures, information, people, skills, and competencies, principles, policies, and procedures, culture, ethics, and behavior, and services, infrastructure, and applications. These components interact with each other resulting in a holistic governance system. They can be of different types. Of course, the most familiar are processes. Processes describe an organized set of practices…
Using principles as guides to adoption3m 42s
Addressing the ingredients of a governance system3m 50s
Forty objectives for every IT organization4m 20s
The distinction between governance and management: Governance objectives1m 12s
The distinction between governance and management: Management objectives3m 27s
The best-kept secret in COBIT4m 48s
Measure the performance of the IT governance system3m 19s