From the course: Learning Canvas

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Communicate with conversations

Communicate with conversations - Canvas Tutorial

From the course: Learning Canvas

Communicate with conversations

- [Oliver] One of the benefits of a learning management system is the ability to communicate with students in a protected platform. Canvas has a variety of ways to communicate and one of those is Conversations. Let's take a look at how to access Conversations. Now I can do this by going to the far left in the global navigation bar and going to my inbox. When I click here, it opens up my Conversations inbox. As you can see, this is extremely similar to an email platform. Now I don't have any messages in here because no students have yet accepted their invitations to the course. So over here, I don't have anything. Now up at the top, if there were messages, I could sort them by all courses, I could select a particular course and look at messages from that one. Over here, I can filter it by unread, starred, sent, and more just like an email. Over here, these grayed out ones are things where I can reply, reply to all,…
