From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware
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Understanding HD4470 controller - Arduino Tutorial
From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware
Understanding HD4470 controller
- [Instructor] So now let's try to understand how LCD works. Most LCD's that are compatible with Arduino uses the HD Controller to manage the LCD. The HD44780, is referred to as dot matrix, liquid crystal display controller and driver. So, each dot matrix inside the LCD has five columns, and eight rows, as you can see in the picture. Each of the dot matrix within the 16 characters has a five by eight matrix. This is used to show letters and numbers when using the LCD. So, if letter A is showing in the first dot matrix then these are the dots that are highlighted. Most LCD are supported by this type of controller and it shows up to 27 characters for each line. Now, it depends on the LCD type. It shows a certain number of columns. So, if we're using an 8 x 2 LCD then we can only see eight columns out of the 27 columns. If we're using 16 x 2 then we only see 16 out of 27. Now, if we wanted to display a sentence, we need to…
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Introduction to the liquid crystal display (LCD)1m 29s
Understanding HD4470 controller1m 58s
The LCD interface2m 44s
Wire up the LCD5m 6s
Coding the LCD interface4m 31s
Optional review: Understanding "for" loops3m 36s
Optional review: Understanding arrays2m 3s
Displaying random numbers and scrolling4m 5s