From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations
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Serial Monitor - Arduino Tutorial
From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations
Serial Monitor
- All right, the Serial Monitor is a special feature in our Arudino IDE that can come in handy when troubleshooting the code or for communication between Arudino board and the computer or other devices. So, the Serial Monitor, when you click on it here, it produces a separate window dialog box, which displays any output texts from the Arudino and allows you to enter text as well. You must write the code in your program to send and receive data using the Arudino Serial Port. Now, in order to activate the Serial Monitor, there are three ways you can go to tools and click on Serial Monitor, or you can press on control shift and letter M key combination on the keyboard. And then the final way you can just click on this magnifying glass. And then this will give you the Serial Monitor. All Arudino boards have at least one serial port. For Arudino It communicates on Digital Pins, 0 and 1, and therefore these Pins…
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Download the Arduino software39s
A tour of the Arduino IDE4m 1s
The setup() and loop() functions1m 17s
pinMode()2m 11s
digitalWrite()1m 33s
Creating your first sketch3m 32s
Serial Monitor1m 52s
Testing blink LED and Serial Monitor2m 32s