From the course: Learning Apache Airflow

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Understanding Airflow configuration

Understanding Airflow configuration - Apache Airflow Tutorial

From the course: Learning Apache Airflow

Understanding Airflow configuration

- [Narrator] Now that you have the prereq setup up for MacOS or Windows, let's go ahead and install Airflow using the Python package manager pip. So I call pip install and I install Apache Airflow and I specify a constraints file. This constraint file specification allows you to have an Airflow installation that is repeatable. The constraints contain a tested and working set of dependencies for Apache Airflow and this is the recommended way to install Airflow. Go ahead and run this. Now, this might take a few minutes to run through. It took about two or three minutes on my machine. Apache Airflow and all of its dependencies were installed. Once the Airflow installation is complete all you need to do is run Airflow version and you should see the version of Airflow that you're working with. At the time of this recording, we are using the latest version, 2.5.3. The Airflow command is what we use to bring up the various…
