From the course: Leading Yourself

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Leading by example

Leading by example

- If you're a leader and you're practicing some of the techniques we've covered in this course, how can you get your team to do the same? For starters, suggest they watch this course. Why try to repeat everything here when you can just rewind me to say it again? And there are other practical ways to bring leading yourself concepts into your group. First, don't overwhelm the team, start small. Tell them that you write down your wins or how you decide where you're going to spend your time. Leading yourself is not a yes or a no. It's a series of attitudes, behaviors and language that each individual will be able to leverage differently, and you got to start with something manageable. You can help your team by simply talking about what it means to take some responsibility for your own leadership or the importance of self-awareness. You can also offer to help. It sounds counterintuitive, but people need to be shown how to lead…
