From the course: Leading with Purpose

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Culture vs. collateral

Culture vs. collateral

- You can create a great culture with free organic lunches, and a pool table, and casual Friday, right? Not exactly. Culture is not collateral. Collateral is easy to see, it's easy to understand, and if you want to have great collateral, it usually comes with a bill. True culture goes beyond just the collaterals. Culture can be that fuzzy, messy thing, but it involves feelings, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. Being intentional about creating an emotional climate requires more than inspirational posters and a cool workplace. Without the emotional labor behind it, cool stuff is just that, it's stuff. Think about it this way. Have you ever been in a well-appointed home that felt emotionally stifling? Just because you bought a, "love lives here" wooden plaque, that doesn't meant that the people in your home will actually feel loved. I used to speak about families and organizations in different veins, but I've stopped doing that because I've come to realize leadership is leadership no…
