From the course: Leadership: Practical Skills

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How much freedom should you give?

How much freedom should you give?

From the course: Leadership: Practical Skills

How much freedom should you give?

- Now there's another leadership style theory that I really like. And I'm going to explain this, and then I'll tell you how it relates to Tannenbaum and Schmidt. Now this theory is called the Freedom Ladder, and it starts with a little box at the bottom called, Wait until told. Now there are some people who are in the wait until told box. That's just what they're like. They try not to work, and they just sit there until you give them a job to do. And when they finish the job, they just sit there again 'til you give them another job to do. I suppose they're alright. At least they're obedient. You could argue there's a box below it called, Don't do what you're told. But hopefully you got nobody in that box. So I think the bottom box really is wait until told. Now there's a box above that called, Ask what next. And these are the people who say, I've done that. What shall I do now? At least there's a bit of initiative, a bit of motivation there. And hopefully you can bring people up from…
