From the course: Leaders: Five Tips for Establishing Team Processes
Establishing processes
From the course: Leaders: Five Tips for Establishing Team Processes
Establishing processes
Have you ever been in a group or you know, what you thought was a team and the, either you wanted to say something or somebody else didn't, and you ended up with an end product that wasn't anything like the manager or the professor or whatever wanted. That the end result, what you came up with, wasn't correct. I mean, have you ever wanted to say something and felt like you couldn't? These are the types of things that happen when we don't have good processes, that teams end up with dysfunction. They end up with people that don't talk, they end up with poor outcomes. My name is Eric Zackrison, I'm professor and a consultant and I was a manager for about 30 years. What I'm bringing to this conversation and what this course is really about is looking at how we can take groups and make them teams, right? How can we take a group of people and figure out what are the things that need to be in place that make them function at the higher level? And there's a number of processes that need to be put in place, and most of them are about communicating effectively. Most of them are about opening the door to make sure the group's members are being open and honest with each other, that the leader is setting up policies and procedures that make them function effectively. And that's things like setting expectations clearly, making it okay to give people feedback and say, I've made mistakes. And its those kind of things that are going to make the teams, make groups move and become more powerful, highly functioning teams.