From the course: Leaders: Five Tips for Establishing Team Processes

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I appreciate getting to talk to you. I really hope that you're going to take away from this some really key skills and points to make your team processes more effective. These are all just introductions. I mean, we talked a little bit about, you know, how you can give and give get feedback a little better. You know, how you can make sure you've got diversity and you got inclusion with that. And that your meetings are running effectively. But recognize that these are things that you're going to have to continue to work on. These aren't going to happen overnight. Look for other information. Look to build these skills more effectively, practice them. You know, read Radical Candor by Kim Scott. It's a great book on this topic, and it is really going to help you learn more about how to integrate those aspects of giving feedback and paying attention to relationships. Reach out to me, I'm on LinkedIn. You can hit my websites at or And just take the…
