From the course: Launching Your Newsletter on Substack
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From the course: Launching Your Newsletter on Substack
Grow your free sign-ups
- [Instructor] In growing your free signups, I want you to know that it is so normal for you to experience slow yet steady growth for your Substack publication and for signups. This is completely normal. So in order to make sure you're not too distracted (laughs) by the pace, focus on the following. Providing value, consistent promotion, and repeat. If you focus on these items, your newsletter subscriptions will grow. Let's talk about how to provide value. This looks like empowering your readers, maybe helping them solve problems in their lives and achieving their goals. You want to help them feel smarter or more knowledgeable on topics that they are really interested in. Know that your writing may foster a sense of community, and that you're providing them with that feeling of being supported and less alone. And there's plenty of poets and beautiful writers on Substack that simply are inspiring people with their words…