From the course: Launching Your Newsletter on Substack

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Find your niche

Find your niche

- [Instructor] Finding a niche is how you find and grow an audience for your newsletter and make sure that what you write connects with your audience while helping you carve out a highly engaged audience, avoiding larger competition. So a niche is defined as a distinct segment of a larger market, and this isn't just reserved for boring business talk. A niche is really important for writers and creators. Let's break this down. Take the Popular Substack newsletter, the Unpublishable. It's a newsletter written by a freelance beauty journalist, Jessica DeFino, who started seeing through the smoke and mirrors of the beauty industry, and began publishing content the larger beauty publications simply would not. Now you can see at the bottom there are three testimonials and this praise really showcases the niche that Jessica has carved out for herself. So let's talk about the way that her niche works. From Jessica herself…
