From the course: Korean for Absolute Beginners
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Discussing food
From the course: Korean for Absolute Beginners
Discussing food
Absolute Beginners, Season 1, Lesson 12 But I don't want to try that Korean dish. In this lesson, you'll learn about eating some exotic Korean food. The conversation takes place in a restaurant. And the conversation is between a Korean and a foreigner. They're friends, but they're not too close. So the speakers will be speaking formal Korean, 존댓말이요. Okay, let's listen in. 먹어봐요. 아니에요. 괜찮아요. 먹어봐요. 맛있어요. 괜찮아요. 영어로 한 번 더. One more time with the English. 먹어봐요. Try it. 아니에요. 괜찮아요. No, it's okay. 먹어봐요. 맛있어요. Try it. It's good. 괜찮아요. It's okay. 아니다. To not be. 아-니-다. 아니다. Next. 괜찮다. To be okay, to be alright. 괜찮-타. 괜찮-타. Next. 맛있다. To be delicious. 맛있다. 맛있다. Next is 먹어보다. To try something. To refuse a comment or a suggestion politely, you can say, 괜찮아요. And this comes from the verb 괜찮다, which means to be okay or to be alright. Yep. And this politely refuses a request or a suggestion from someone. Another way to refuse requests is to use 아니에요. This comes from the negative copula 아니다, which…
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Movie genres5m 8s
Buying books6m 2s
Shopping for clothes4m 20s
Mountain climbing5m 38s
Asking when6m 10s
Who's your friend?5m 16s
Asking what something is6m 6s
Asking why5m 2s
Asking how5m 53s
Saying what you want5m 24s
Saying you're bad at something5m 36s
Discussing food4m 6s
Asking for a price3m 46s
Asking for directions4m 38s
Giving excuses6m 6s
Saying goodbye6m 45s
Greeting a friend6m 59s
Classroom phrases6m 59s
Making suggestions5m 46s
What's yours and what's mine5m 8s
Asking someone to stop5m 43s
Discussing what you like7m 4s
Expressing dislikes6m 58s
Expressing your abilities5m 8s
Expressing inabilities5m 17s