From the course: Korean for Absolute Beginners

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Discussing food

Discussing food

Absolute Beginners, Season 1, Lesson 12 But I don't want to try that Korean dish. In this lesson, you'll learn about eating some exotic Korean food. The conversation takes place in a restaurant. And the conversation is between a Korean and a foreigner. They're friends, but they're not too close. So the speakers will be speaking formal Korean, 존댓말이요. Okay, let's listen in. 먹어봐요. 아니에요. 괜찮아요. 먹어봐요. 맛있어요. 괜찮아요. 영어로 한 번 더. One more time with the English. 먹어봐요. Try it. 아니에요. 괜찮아요. No, it's okay. 먹어봐요. 맛있어요. Try it. It's good. 괜찮아요. It's okay. 아니다. To not be. 아-니-다. 아니다. Next. 괜찮다. To be okay, to be alright. 괜찮-타. 괜찮-타. Next. 맛있다. To be delicious. 맛있다. 맛있다. Next is 먹어보다. To try something. To refuse a comment or a suggestion politely, you can say, 괜찮아요. And this comes from the verb 괜찮다, which means to be okay or to be alright. Yep. And this politely refuses a request or a suggestion from someone. Another way to refuse requests is to use 아니에요. This comes from the negative copula 아니다, which…
