From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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What is a framework?

What is a framework?

- If you learned a program for the web, you will shortly encounter frameworks. In this context, a framework is some pre-written code that you may use to create all or part of your website or web application. Frameworks often consist of CSS and JavaScript. Some rely on your HTML being crafted in a specific way for the framework to function correctly. A commonly used framework that's beginner-friendly is Bootstrap, found at Originally released in 2011, Bootstrap originally functioned as a fast and easy way to create responsive websites. With Bootstrap, you may create website layouts, buttons, color and font schemes and functionality like dropdowns, hamburger buttons, accordions and modal windows. More recently, JavaScript frameworks have become wildly popular. Facebook's React, Open-source Vue and Google's Angular are the three most encountered frameworks for front-end development. Frameworks in general are often used for two major reasons in programming. The reason…
