From the course: Introduction to Video Dialogue Editing
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Choosing shots - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Introduction to Video Dialogue Editing
Choosing shots
- Now it's time to edit our second scene between Joe and Susan, where Joe walks into the coffeeshop and sees Susan, and is really hesitant to approach her to deliver some really difficult news. Again, I want to give you the gist of how the conversation goes, so you can analyze the overall performance. And just as before, because of the way it was shot, we're not going to be able to look at the entire scene from one camera angle so I'm going to begin with Joe's introductory approach as he's entering the coffeeshop. And then I'm going to cut to a multi-cam clip of Joe and Susan in close-up, all right? So let's watch. (cars pass by outside) And here's the multi-cam clip, we're not going to be able to see Joe in his close-up for just a few lines here, but let's take a look. - Hi Susan. - Oh! Joe, hi there. - Oh, I'm sorry, I can't believe I ran into you here. - Oh well, please sit. - Um, did you hear? - I'm not sure. - It's official. I got the news. - Oh Joe! Oh wow. - Uh yeah, I know…
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