From the course: Introduction to Linux

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Standard tools

Standard tools

- [Instructor] Hardware running only a Linux kernel, isn't very useful to most people, so we'll need to use software that lets us use the computer for doing whatever we need to do. Linux distributions come with a set of tools that let users and software interact with the system. And these tools often include a software package called the GNU coreutils, short for core utilities. Many of these coreutils are commands that we'll commonly use when working in a shell. Including commands to copy and move files, to change permissions and security contexts, to view some status information and so on. Humans use these, the command line, and scripts and other programs can use them as well, to perform basic tasks. We can add other software later, but out of the box so to speak, a basic Linux installation will have these standard tools available. Which give us a minimal operating set of utilities, and which are needed in order to customize the system, use it to get work done, and even to install…
