From the course: Introduction to Google Calendar

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Event visibility and notifications

Event visibility and notifications - Google Calendar Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Google Calendar

Event visibility and notifications

While you have visibility at the calendar level, you can also set visibility at the event level. Your primary calendars event visibility is default visibility, and is determined by your organization's policies for Google Calendar. If your calendar isn't shared with anyone specifically, changing the event visibility won't enable anyone to see the event details. However, if you've shared your calendar with specific people, they will be able to see the event details based on the level of access you've assigned them. By setting the event visibility to private for a specific event, you can override the calendar level visibility. Perhaps you have a personal meeting out of the office and although you want the event to appear on your calendar, you don't want to share the details of the event with everyone who can see your calendar. You can choose to make an event private and the event will only show as busy on your calendar unless the person you have shared your calendar with has been given…
