From the course: Intelligent Automation Foundations

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Thinking and learning technologies

Thinking and learning technologies

- [Narrator] The fourth and final capability is thinking and learning. The main technologies within the thinking and learning capability are big data management, machine learning, and data visualization. A lot of intelligent automation relies on data management to some degree, the act of collecting, storing, and using data. And big data management takes it a step further with specialized tools suited for processing large volumes of data. These tools not only store data, but also serve key functions and making data usable. The functions include data virtualization, data integration, data preparation, and data quality. For the sake of this introductory course, we'll stop here. But for those interested in diving deeper into data strategy, it might be worth checking out the course titled "Data Strategy" by Peter High. For organizations that want some control over data coming from multiple sources, the tools listed are…
