From the course: Intelligent Automation Foundations

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Purpose and structure of a center of excellence

Purpose and structure of a center of excellence

From the course: Intelligent Automation Foundations

Purpose and structure of a center of excellence

- [Host] An intelligent automation COE should serve as an organization's factory for the production of intelligent automation solutions. It's an internal capability within the organization where people, process, and technologies are brought together, helping create a unified approach for the adaption of intelligent automation in different parts of the organization. Some general benefits of COEs include economies of scale, reusable components, institutional knowledge, and the cost efficiency of group purchasing. The role of the COE can be very broad. Many COE's do not only implement and maintain automation solutions across an organization, but also develop policies, frameworks, and principles that are shared and reused across different initiatives. A COE may also take on the role of an innovation hub, being responsible for identifying and adapting new automation technologies for wider use across initiatives, as well…
