From the course: Intelligent Automation Foundations

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Combinations and synergies

Combinations and synergies

- Okay, so we've covered the four intelligent automation capabilities, vision, execution, language, and thinking and learning. These are immense categories, each having the ability to add significant value to any enterprise that adopts them. But the real value comes from adopting them in combination with one another. Any intelligent automation capability taken alone will be limited in potential. For example, one can only get so much value out of a vision capability without an execution component. You want to see data on a screen so you can then use it and apply it to a process. Similarly, you would not be able to automate highly complex processes if limited to execution capabilities alone. There would undoubtedly be gaps in the process where you would need the other three capabilities. That's why, in practice, when doing meaningful transformation, multiple intelligent automation capabilities will be necessary. You…
