From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

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Experimenting with different configurations

Experimenting with different configurations - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

Experimenting with different configurations

- Continuing from the previous movie, I've recombined the address with the phone number and email. Perhaps there's no reason to separate these elements. I've moved the name and title closer to the logo, so we now have two chunks of information rather than four, and this creates a better flow of white space from bottom left through to top right. In the next example, I've increased the scale of the logo. Rather than have all the elements at the same or similar sizes, we have a clear distinction by scale. The name aligns to the same baseline as the first line of the address and the right edge of the logo aligns with the left edge of the address. I've added a half line space above the telephone number to differentiate it, while at the same time, retaining the information as one block of text. This configuration of elements activates the white space in the top right. Alternatively, we could have the white space on the left.…
