From the course: Inclusive Tech: Building Your Team

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Industry experience

Industry experience

- [Instructor] There has been an interesting change in the dynamics of how people get hired at tech companies these days. When I first joined the workforce 18 years ago, it was a preordained expectation that you would get trained, you would get some ramp up time, you would shadow people that are more experienced than you, your first assignment would be an easy one with harder ones to follow. The phrase ramp up actually meant something. As budgets have tightened up, and as the pace of work has increased, the expectations that are onboarding a new employee have changed significantly. There are these phrases you often hear, like throw you in the deep end, sink or swim, ramp up quickly, add value rapidly. These phrases mean that companies are optimizing to leverage your existing experience, rather than training you after you join. The expectation is you bring in industry experience that is specific to that sector or…
