From the course: Illustrator 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Custom aligning strokes to paths

Custom aligning strokes to paths

- [Instructor] All right, now one of the great things about variable width, especially the fact that you can adjust strokes asymmetrically, is that it gives you a new control over the way that you align the stroke to the path outline, that goes well beyond this Align Stroke function that we saw a few movies back. And it's just as applicable to open path outlines as closed ones. So let's say for example that I press the "a" key to switch to the white arrow tool, and I click on this upper right segment associated with this ellipse here, and notice over here in the Stroke panel how the stroke is currently aligned to the outside of this path outline. And so I'll go ahead and click on this segment and then shift-click on this one and shift-click on this one, so that the upper right segments are selected in each one of the ellipses. And then I'll press the Backspace key, and I lose that alignment. Illustrator goes ahead…
