From the course: Illustrator 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Creating custom margins guides

Creating custom margins guides

- [Instructor] All right now, the area type options is one way to work. But it is a little bit creaky as we saw. And that's not the way I ultimately decided to create this document. What I decided to do was to establish the yellow background on an independent layer. I also created margin guides like so and then I set my text frame inside those margin guides. And let me show you how that works. I'm going to go ahead and double click somewhere inside this text in order to automatically switch to the type tool and position my blinking insertion marker. And then I'll select all of that text by pressing Control + A or Command + A on the Mac. So that select all command works with text as well. All right now, I'll press Control + X or Command + X on the Mac in order to cut that text. And then I'll press the Escape key in order to exit the text entry mode. And I'll get rid of this text block by pressing the Backspace key or the…
