From the course: Human Resources: Creating an Employee Handbook

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At-will employment and other disclaimers

At-will employment and other disclaimers

- As you already know, employee handbooks have numerous legal implications. Employment lawyers wanna make sure they have statements both asserting employer rights, and disclaiming employee ones. Of course employers can't disclaim an employee's legal rights. Most handbook disclaimers have to do with contractual rights associated with employment. If your employee handbook is like most US employee handbooks, it usually begins with a very welcoming statement that your employment is at-will and can be terminated at any time without notice, without cause and without having to give a reason. This is an example of a company asserting it's legal rights. As at-will employment is the law of the United States, except in Montana. Even though that's the case, company attorneys still feel obligated to start the employee handbook off with an at-will disclaimer to guard against contractual implications to the contrary. I have seen occasions where a manager who is desperate to hire or retain an…
