From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

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Employment laws and employee privacy in the Metaverse

Employment laws and employee privacy in the Metaverse

From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

Employment laws and employee privacy in the Metaverse

- Human resource leaders must prioritize identifying and ensuring compliance with new and existing laws that govern the metaverse. In fact, there are a lot of implications that require the intentional focus of HR. Naturally, questions arise around what laws will govern the metaverse, and what employment laws will prevail. The answer for now is that many, and notice I said many, not all, employment laws from the physical world will transfer into the virtual world of work, like compensation, benefits, discrimination, harassment, intellectual property, privacy, and safety. However, the metaverse is still in the infancy stages of development, and laws typically lag behind technological advancement. So many of the laws and regulations that exist today do not currently address issues that may arise with employees working in immersive environments, and no one can fully predict all legal ramifications. For example, new legal…
