From the course: How to Plan Your Website

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Why alt text is essential for images on a website

Why alt text is essential for images on a website

From the course: How to Plan Your Website

Why alt text is essential for images on a website

- There is one thing that is absolutely essential for the images on your website and you may not have even known about it. It's called alt text. And it's important that you include it along with all of your images. Alt text is short for alternative text. It's a brief piece of text that describes an image on a webpage. It's similar to an image caption but technically different. Alt text lives inside the code of a website. It's not displayed for website visitors to see like a caption would be. Alt text finds its way into the code of your site because you should be putting it there whenever you upload an image. If you are using a content management system such as WordPress or Wix, Squarespace or Shopify, there'll be a form field asking you for alt text when you upload images to your site. Alt text is displayed when an image cannot be displayed on a webpage. That might happen for a number of reasons, such as the image…
