From the course: Hire, Retain, and Grow Top Millennial Talent

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- When I first became a manager at the age of 25, my father said to me, "Congratulations, "you've just become the second most important person "in the life of your employees." I said, "What are you talking about?" And he told me, "Next to your spouse, "your boss the opportunity to make your life wonderful "or make your life miserable." I was 25 years old, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't need that kind of responsibility. But now I'm twice that age and I see even more just how right he was. - If you are someone's boss, you mean the world to them. They talk about you at the dinner table at night. They repeat your words to their parents. And they think about you more than you realize. - You know, every generation brings about change. And every group of young people always seems less responsible than the generation before them. But it's worth remembering, even Socrates said, "The children now love luxury. "They have…
