From the course: Having Difficult Conversations

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Use radical listening to stay present

Use radical listening to stay present

From the course: Having Difficult Conversations

Use radical listening to stay present

- It's easy to listen when you agree with what's being said, but the more difficult the conversation, the more important listening becomes. If you ever find yourself in an argument losing ground or playing verbal ping pong in a conversation, remember this, the one who listens first is the one who controls the direction of the conversation. I call this Radical Listening, it's a tool you can use to control the tone and direction of difficult conversations. Here's what it's all about. Radical Listening is about controlling your urge, your urge to be right, to be understood, and to win. At its simplest form, Radical Listening is an act of self-control and discipline. It is a practice and a habit you can learn, and it works both ways, when you have to initiate a difficult conversation, as well as when you're on the receiving end of a difficult conversation. Radical Listening is about the concept called listen first. Here's why. Until the other person feels heard, you're only going to get…
