From the course: Having Career Conversations with Your Team

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Tips for managers, mentors, and coaches on preparing for career conversations—without overdoing it

Tips for managers, mentors, and coaches on preparing for career conversations—without overdoing it

From the course: Having Career Conversations with Your Team

Tips for managers, mentors, and coaches on preparing for career conversations—without overdoing it

- How can you best prepare for career conversations? And is there such a thing as being over-prepared? I remember one manager who was stressed out about the amount of prep work required for these career conversations, at least given the way she had been doing them in the past, and it was getting in the way of her wanting to do another round with her team. She felt slammed at work already and didn't have several hours to prepare for each person as she had done in the past, but already felt bad if she showed up in a way that felt unprepared. Let me free you from those preparation shackles right now. In fact, the less prepared you are for these career conversations, the better. Preparation is basically looking at old data. Now, some amount of that is okay. You can certainly refresh yourself on the last time you had a career conversation, or if you recently had a performance review with this team member. Try to set aside…
