From the course: Grasshopper: Architectural Prototyping

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Troubleshooting inputs

Troubleshooting inputs

- [Instructor] Grasshopper form is a tremendous resource. It's come to find though that shared scripts rely on geometry files which have not been included. In this video we will walk through the process of updating and geometry inputs for a downloaded script, and adding control parameters. The exercise file should now have all dependencies fixed and all components upgraded to the newest version. We still see orange and red components however, signaling errors. We zoom in, and click on one of the error flags. We can see that the errors are due to a lack of input. Components are failing to collect data. Hopefully there are some cues in the script to tell us what types of geometry is needed. We can check the geometry type and any labeling, which tells us that we need surface geometry and we need a pair of surfaces, surface one and surface two. To create the inputs I'm going to add some geometry in Rhino that matches my best guess at what is required. In Rhino I'll go to the front view…
