From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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What can I do with the GitHub CLI

What can I do with the GitHub CLI - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

What can I do with the GitHub CLI

- [Instructor] The GitHub CLI is a command line tool for GitHub that lets you access certain information about your projects. You can get it at this URL and there's going to have to be a little bit of installation done before you get started. So to do that make sure you follow the directions right here. Now once you've got that installed, you get the gh command on your terminal. So we can type in gh, and then if you want to look at all the available options, you can use the help flag. It's going to show you that primarily you can use the issue, the pr, or the repo command to do different things with your projects. Right now if I take a look at my directory you can see that I am in a bootstrap project, so I can take a look at my issues really quick by typing in gh issue list. This will show me all the issues for this project, and if I wanted to I could take a look at the pull requests for this project. Now you…
