From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Optimize your profile

Optimize your profile - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Optimize your profile

- [Ray] Your GitHub profile is one of the most underutilized features in GitHub. It's especially important if you're looking for work. Here's some tips on how to improve your profile. You can see your profile right on your profile page. And you can go directly to editing the profile by clicking on this button. If you're looking for work you probably want to add at least an email address so that people can contact you and you also want to add keywords in your bio that indicate the type of work you do as well as the fact that you're looking for work. Treat this like you would your LinkedIn profile. Now to change your avatar, you can click on this photo. I do recommend adding a profile picture. You can click on edit and upload your own photo or use the standard Gravatar photo that comes from the Gravatar website. This is a website that's often used in WordPress projects. You can see that by clicking on the photo, I was actually…
