From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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GitHub Flavored Markdown

GitHub Flavored Markdown - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

GitHub Flavored Markdown

- [Instructor] GitHub uses a special version of markdown called GitHub flavored markdown, or GFM, when you store markdown files in your repositories. It has some advantages over regular markdown, so let me show you some of the features. Now first off, whenever you want to create a URL, you could simply type in HTTP or HTTPS and then the link to the project and it will automatically convert this to a clickable link instead of using the traditional markdown format, which looks like this. You can also use fenced code blocks and these allow you to specify the type of code that you're writing in here. So although this is very short code, we can specify that I want the syntax highlight in color to look for JavaScript in this fenced in code block. That's pretty cool, but my favorite feature is the ability to create task lists. Now these have to be written in a very specific format. So you have start with the hyphen, then a space,…
