From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Get all repo branches

Get all repo branches - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Get all repo branches

- [Instructor] The Git Clone command lets you create a copy of a repository but it doesn't show all the branches by default. Now to fix that we can clone what's called a bare repository. So here's a project that has a lot of branches. When we create these projects for our courses, every one of these different branches corresponds to a video in the movie. So 01_03b means chapter one, the third video at the beginning, and then 01_03e shows you that same code at the end of the video. Now if you want to you can download all of these branches at once. So let's switch over to a terminal. I'm going to put this on my desktop and I'm going to go ahead and make a directory. So I'll issue the mkdir and I'll give this thing a name. I'm going to call it svelte since it's a svelte course. And from here I'll switch over into that folder. And then I'll issue a git clone command. But this is not going to be a regular git clone…
