From the course: Git: Branches, Merges, and Remotes

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Fast-forward merge vs. true merge

Fast-forward merge vs. true merge

- [Instructor] We need to understand the difference between fast forward merges and real merges. In the previous movie we learned how to do a merge, and I gave you an example of how a merge works by showing you a diagram like this. And we talked about how you would make a merge commit that would merge revise_navigation back into master, except that that's not what our master branch really looked like when we actually went to the command line and tried it out. Instead, it looked something more like this, we had not made additional commits on master, we had only made a new commit in our feature branch. So before we made our merge, the head pointer was pointing at the tip of the master branch. And then when we went to merge in the feature branch what it did was it looked at that feature branch and saw that if it followed the history back that in the process of traveling backwards that it ran into that head commit, 534de. So it realized that this was just an extension of master, and that…
