From the course: Foundations of Enterprise Content Management

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Make sure your solution fits

Make sure your solution fits

- [Instructor] If you want your CMS to be a success, it must satisfy the needs of the intended users. I'm sorry to keep harping on this, well, okay, I'm not really sorry. But this is something that I can't emphasize enough, not just when we're talking about CMS, but when you're looking at any business tool. The conversation always needs to start with what business problem are we trying to solve? Every company's needs are different. Companies have different priorities and different people working to make those priorities happen. When you start looking at a CMS, as you should be doing when you are looking at any tool, you need to understand your current state. You need to know where the gaps are and where the pain points are for your users. It will require understanding the work that needs to be done and who are the audiences being served. This is how you build your requirements. Once you understand requirements, you can…
