From the course: Find Your Project Management Style

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Balancing criticism and compliments

Balancing criticism and compliments

It's not enough to take in information. You need to know what to do with it. Sometimes what you do with information is discarded. Sometimes you take it to heart and you make an immediate change. In this lesson, I'll teach you the three principles to consider when you get input from others as it relates to your project management style. This is critical because it helps you determine how to adapt your style. First, I want to talk about the source principle. I define this as the principle that not all compliments and criticisms are equal. Because of this, you need to evaluate the source of the information before deciding if it's wise to accept it. If I want to know how I did our project, why would I listen to someone who didn't know anything about the project? This applies to positive and negative things, which is to say that you shouldn't accept a compliment from someone who would not have a valid basis to also criticize you. Second, the hard truth principle. This is the idea that you…
