From the course: Financial Accounting Part 1

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The Microsoft balance sheet

The Microsoft balance sheet

- Here you see in all its glory Microsoft's balance sheet as of June 30th, 2018. This information was simply downloaded from the SEC's website and is available to anyone with an internet connection. The first thing to recognize is that these numbers are in millions of US dollars. That means that Microsoft had on June 30th, 2018 almost $259 billion in recorded assets. Now, let's take a look at some of these individual asset accounts. First, the company had $12 billion in cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are financial instruments like certificates of deposit that will mature in the very near future. In other words, these instruments look so much like cash that they are combined with cash. Next, 47% of the company's total assets are in the form of short-term investments. These are like stock investments in other companies. This means that over half of Microsoft's assets are cash, cash equivalents, or short-term…
