From the course: Financial Accounting Part 1
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Notes from Microsoft on the balance sheet
From the course: Financial Accounting Part 1
Notes from Microsoft on the balance sheet
- It is pretty impressive that a company as big as Microsoft can condense all of its resources and claims to those resources down into one financial statement, one page, the balance sheet. But there are a lot of questions that users of financial statements will have about the balance sheet. Questions like, what assumptions were made, if any, in computing some of these numbers? What transactions resulted in unearned revenue? When does Microsoft's almost $77 billion in long-term debt mature? What types of intangible assets does Microsoft record on its books? And where are Microsoft's long-lived assets located around the world? All of these questions and a whole lot more are answered in the notes to Microsoft's financial statements. Now, while the financial statements themselves consists of four or five pages, the notes go on and on. In hard copy form, the notes to a company's financial statements can run 50…
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