From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

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Tool pack

Tool pack

- [Lecturer] All right, since we'll be performing some intermediate and advanced statistical functions in Excel, you're going to need one of the Excel analysis tools. It's called the Analysis ToolPak. It doesn't come installed in all versions of Excel, but activating the ToolPak is very easy. Depending on your version, there's probably more than one way to install the Analysis ToolPak. In this version of Excel, go to the top of the screen. Click on tools, scroll down, find Excel add-ins, check the box that says Analysis ToolPak, and click okay. And that's it. And then, you'll be able to find it here under data. There's data analysis. And that's another way to do it. You can click on analysis tools here. So again, if you have not installed it, you can click on data. You can go to analysis tools, and I'm going to uninstall it. Now, it's gone. And now, it's back. By the way, when it's time to use the Analysis…
