From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

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Linear regressions

Linear regressions

- [Instructor] All right, so let's run some basic linear regressions using Excel. And you can see, I've set up a number of worksheets here. We're going to test a few different situations, so you can see how regression works and some of the things that we might be able to learn, and there's some parts of this that you might go, "Oh, there's some unknowns associated with it as well." So in this particular case, we're going to be looking at how the number of miles on a particular vehicle impacts the price. So what I did was I went online. And for one type of car, I believe it was a Toyota 4Runner, fairly popular vehicle, at least in the United States. So the Toyota 4Runner. And I went online and I found a number that were used and for sale, and I found the miles listed and the price associated with each one. And so we want to run a regression here to see whether or not the miles, how that impacts our price, and whether…
