From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

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How to test a hypothesis

How to test a hypothesis

- [Instructor] In a trial, lawyers use evidence in an attempt to prove a person is either guilty or not guilty. So far in statistics, we've seen evidence. Samples are our evidence. But when we have a belief, how do we put that belief on trial? How do we use our evidence to reach a sound conclusion? We use hypothesis tests. Hypothesis tests is like a trial. It is a formal process for testing whether we have sufficient evidence to draw a conclusion. For example, let's say the National Dog Association says that the average US dog weighs 40 pounds. You take a sample of 25 dogs in your town, and find that the average weight of those dogs is only 35 pounds. Perhaps you begin to doubt the National Dog Association's published average. The question is, do you have enough evidence to say that the average US dog probably weighs less than 40 pounds? Suppose you're the statistics lawyer. You've been given this one sample as your…
