From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

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Explanation of two population comparisons

Explanation of two population comparisons - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

Explanation of two population comparisons

- [Instructor] Up until now, we've tested one population by using one sample. And then testing that one sample versus a statement or belief. But what if we have two groups. For example, think about asking and answering practical questions like this: Which is more likely to reduce the chance of a heart attack? Aspirin or a placebo? Which group is more likely to own their own company? Women in their twenties or men in their twenties? Notice we keep using the words "more likely" in each scenario. What makes all these questions similar is that each situation can be analyzed by comparing two independent random samples, one from each population. For example, we can compare the proportion of aspirin takers that experienced a heart attack versus the proportion of people that took a placebo and experienced a heart attack. We can do this by using hypothesis testing to compare the difference between the proportions for each of…
