From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2
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Exercise files - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2
Exercise files
- [Instructor] Hi there, I just wanted to remind you that the exercise files that come with this course, they're meant for you to follow along with my work and the videos, and they're there so you can practice working with statistics in Excel. Each one is named with the chapter number followed by the video number. For example, this particular file is named 01_01_Sample, and it'll be used in chapter one, video number one. By the way, I'll be working in Excel on a Mac. Your version of Excel may be a bit newer or older, or perhaps you're working on a PC. Nonetheless, most of what I'll be doing on Excel will be the same, or at least very similar to what you'll see in your version of Excel. In some cases, the menu items might be in slightly different spots, but if you pause and search, you should be able to find what you need. Also, remember, in the world of statistics and also in the world of Excel, there are usually multiple…
Practice while you learn with exercise files
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