From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

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Comparing two populations (means)

Comparing two populations (means)

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to perform hypothesis tests on two means, when we have two different means. And let's look a look at this particular scenario so we'd understand what we're looking at here. So in this particular scenario, we have a company that has developed a simulation app, and this app is supposed to help people understand math concepts. And the company tested the simulation by working with two different math classes. One class had access to the math simulation the other class did not. They just used traditional study techniques to get ready for their exam. Now, the class that utilized the simulation, they performed much better, or it seems like they performed better on the standardized math exam. Now the question here is, did the simulation actually make an impact or did this happen by chance? Is it possible that the people that had access to the simulation, they would've just scored better…
