From the course: Excel: Market Research Strategies

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Interpreting variance walk charts

Interpreting variance walk charts - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Market Research Strategies

Interpreting variance walk charts

- [Instructor] In order to be able to effectively use waterfall charts, we need to be able to understand and interpret them. I'm in the 04_06_Begin Excel file. Now, what we have here is a waterfall chart that shows us the projected users versus the actual users for a particular service or business. So we're projecting 9,862 users, we actually ended up with 9,528. What drove that gap? Well, the variants of negative 334 came from a positive tailwind of 1246 users, resulting from a better than expected conversion rate. A negative headwind of 1120 users from a higher than expected cost per click. And a negative 460 user bogey as a result of poor churn rate. And we see that reflected in the waterfall chart. So we start with projected, we go up by 1246 for conversion rate, then we lose 1120 for CPC price, followed by an additional 460 for churn, giving us a final result of 95828. And that's what takes us from one point to…
