From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Power Query: Unpivot

Power Query: Unpivot

- [Instructor] Now I'm going to show you Unpivot. This is the feature that sold me on Excel's Power Query. Here is some data that looks like a pivot table, we have column headers. In this case, the column headers are Shift1 through Shift4 and then we have row headers, the days of the week. And it's easy to see that Ignacia has Shift3 on Tuesday, but now what if we want to sort this in alphabetical order by the people's names? But we also want to see the day and the shift they're assigned? Maybe we want to get a count of how many unique people are in here. Not so easy this way, but hopefully this will sell you on unpivot and Power Query. Here we go, cursor inside the data set, right click, get data from Table/Range, okay, here is the data. The shifts column is already highlighted so I'm going to go up, right click, unpivot other columns. Unpivot other columns is handy if there's a situation where your data might go…
