From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data
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Overview of Power Query joins - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data
Overview of Power Query joins
- [Narrator] Since we're talking about managing and analyzing data, it is vital for me to share with you Power Query's 6 Joins. Now this is going to be a brief overview. And I do have a course on the library called Excel Power Query Getting Transformed, where I do a much deeper dive. Power Query gives us six joins in the menu. Full outer join, left outer, right outer, inner join, left anti join, right anti join. And they can be kind of hard to understand. Anti join? That sounds like the opposite of join. So, let's look at this example. We have two sets of data representing people who live in this spectacular lake front apartment building. We've got the owners and residents, and then notice that Andy is both an owner and a resident. Hannah is only a resident. Enid is both an owner and a resident. And Margie is only an owner. Okay? Let's look at the data this way. Now we've got three datasets. People who are owners…
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