From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Identify top or bottom values with Conditional Formatting

Identify top or bottom values with Conditional Formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

Identify top or bottom values with Conditional Formatting

- [Instructor] Conditional formatting can help us out by making it easy to see our data and see what we need. Here, we have class regions and then the morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. And we're looking at the cancellations and no-shows January through June. It'd be great if we could just look at this data and see which regions and sessions have the highest no-shows and cancellations and the ones with the lowest. And we want to grab the top four and the bottom four. Now this is going to be a little bit tricky because of the way this is set up, but here we go. I am going to highlight the entire table. Now conditional formatting, top bottom rules, top 10 items. Now you already see the light red fill with dark red text. It's already showing the top 10 in that grid but that's not what we want. First of all, we only want the 4. So use that spin button, bring it down from 10 to 4. Now look, the 4 are highlighted but…
